silk screen print, typewriter on paper
84 x 74 cm

Captions in exhibitions have the task of informing about the work. In addition to the artist's name, the size of the picture and the technique, the title of the work is also included. Some artists simply call their works "untitled". This is not simply a lack of creativity, but allows room for interpretation, especially in the case of abstract representations.

A distorted depiction of two benches looks different from the same depiction of drawer handles, if only because the ones are a few centimeters long while the others measure at least one meter. The transfer of an object, abstracted to a certain degree, no longer permits an understanding of its size ratio. This is an interesting aspect in that it creates more possibilities for perception. The caption - actually a marginal note - becomes the essential factor in recognizing the image here; the edge becomes the center, so to speak.